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Stinger: A Painful Nerve Injury of the Neck


A stinger, also known as a burner or neck stinger, is a nerve injury that affects the neck. It is caused by a sudden, forceful stretching of the neck, which can occur during activities such as contact sports, diving, or gymnastics.


The most common symptom of a stinger is a burning pain or a feeling like an electrical shock that spreads through one of the arms. Other symptoms may include: * Numbness or tingling in the arm * Weakness in the arm * Difficulty gripping objects * Headache * Dizziness


Most stingers resolve on their own within a few weeks. Treatment typically involves rest, ice, and pain medication. In some cases, physical therapy may be necessary to help restore range of motion and strength to the affected arm.


There is no sure way to prevent stingers, but there are some things you can do to reduce your risk, such as: * Warming up properly before participating in activities that involve sudden, forceful movements of the neck * Strengthening the muscles in your neck * Avoiding activities that put your neck at risk of injury

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you experience a stinger, it is important to see a doctor if: * The pain is severe * The pain does not improve within a few days * You have numbness or weakness in your arm * You have difficulty gripping objects * You have a headache or dizziness
