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Target Letter Definition

Target Letters: An Overview

What is a Target Letter?


A target letter is an official correspondence from the US Department of Justice. It informs an individual that they are being investigated for a potential criminal offense.

Significance of Target Letters


Target letters serve several purposes, including:

  • Informing the recipient of their status as a target of a federal grand jury investigation.
  • Providing the recipient with an opportunity to retain legal representation and prepare a defense.
  • Ensuring fairness by giving the recipient notice of the potential charges against them.

Legal Implications

When a Target Letter is Issued

Target letters are typically issued when prosecutors have substantial evidence linking the recipient to a crime. However, receiving a target letter does not guarantee that charges will be filed.

Recipient's Rights

Individuals who receive target letters have the following rights:

  • Right to remain silent and not provide any incriminating statements.
  • Right to retain an attorney and have them present during any interviews or interactions with law enforcement.
  • Right to due process and a fair trial if charges are ultimately filed.
